Use the comments below and name where this artwork is!

Extra bonus points if you can name the purpose, artist or porn star model.

Or check back for the answer tomorrow.

Hint – fire house! (of course it’s in Portland.)

ANSWER – Michael and Mary Sue figured quick this image above is only a portion of Rip Caswell’s 9/11 memorial sculpture, which stands on the corner of SE Belmont and 34th Avenue, in front of the Belmont Firehouse.

Caswell’s work has been in PPA before. He’s quite good at large animal sculptures, suited for parking lot turnarounds in suburban office parks – as seen with Exalted Ruler, a robust elk in the Casey Eye Institute lot near OHSU.

As a nation we’ll look back on our response to 9/11 in a decade with chagrin, I expect. So many decisions made from fear instead of facts; and some of these were aesthetic as well.

This Doc Savage mock up has his hands full, holding an enormous snake with one hand, and a kerosene lamp in the other. Adjoining him is a US flag and an eagle, wings out swept. For some reason he is shirtless, dressed in jeans and tiny work boots. Surrounding the base are roughed Plexi blocks with names of people killed on 9/11, and the lord’s prayer written in childish script and signed by Caswell.

It’s a blink and a silent WTF? Damn, you’ll say, that’s incongruous for Sunnyside. Then you’ll shift it into the context of 9/11 and list it within that long list of other bad decisions our nation made afterward, we as individuals made.